So you’ve identified your target audience and the communities where they hang out. You might have even felt a little like Columbus stumbling upon the Americas in 1492.

These communities are a hive of people sharing and discussing the very topics that are intrinsic to your freelance work. They’re certainly not discussing spam. In actual fact, there is nothing that will get your ignored and bounced out these communities faster than self promotion. Because nobody like a salesman (much less a marketer).

Remember we’re not pitching (read pleading) for work - we’re bringing attention to you and your business - and we do this by adding value to these communities by sharing high quality content.

Post engaging content and this will get people looking your way, and mark you out to be trusted. Do it often enough and it could make you a figurehead in the community which will bring even more attention to your business.

Value Adding Content

Content that adds value to communities can take many forms -  from offering free resources, sharing actionable advice, talking about current events, creating space for people to self promote their own services and more.

Using the information below, dive into high-engaging community posts that you can use in your own growth marketing:

Viral Community Posts Swipe File