Depending on your field of work, you'll find the appropriate file below locked and loaded with leads. Hover over the XML file, click the three small dots and hit ‘download’.

IMAGE 31 NEW.png

Go to your chosen feed reader (best to choose Feedbin in my opinion) settings and select ‘Import’ (it may say 'Import and Export' or 'Import/Export' or similar).

IMAGE 17.png

Take a look at the Keyword Database for finding Freelance Work to narrow down and focus your feed search and results in your reader even further.

If your skillset/vocation isn't included below, there's no need to worry. Hop on over to Where to find Leads and follow the guides on how to source leads from each channel.

Lead Feeds





Virtual Assistant

Virtual Assistant.xml

Product Management

Product Management.xml



Customer Support

Customer Support.xml

Marketing & Sales

Marketing & Sales.xml