Put in a little time networking and you can land a lot of freelance projects with the connections you make and maintain.

I don’t mean hawking your wares down at the local chambers of commerce or business association guild. Networking can be done from the comfort of your home. Or coffee shop, or library or anywhere really.

What I’m saying is you can tap prospects and even fellow freelancers to keep work coming your way wherever you can get a WiFi signal.

Giving. Not Getting.

So make time to network online every day in your spare time - or whenever you're experiencing freelancer burnout.

This could be offering advice, and engaging  for an hour a day on Twitter, using keywords to find problems that fellow freelancers are moaning about on Reddit or in other forums. Just give your two cents worth, advise and give help where you can.

Through offering assistance rather asking for work your strengthening ties with people that will remember what you’re doing - and be more inclined to sling work your way or at least make you aware of an opportunity down the line.

Get acquainted with like minded remote workers and freelancers using the database below:

Freelance Networking & Support Communities