Whether you’re using the Lead Feeds blocks I’ve built or you're creating your own feeds, you’ll have an arsenal of countless sites, sources and search parameters at your disposal to find the work that you want.

Consider the feeds you're getting from that arsenal to be a little like TV signals. Those signals are fantastic, but they're useless unless you have a television to receive them, right?

In our case we’ll need an RSS reader to pick up the feeds, which if you've not guessed by now, is why I previously suggested to save your feeds, sources and URLs into the Feed Table.

Now there’s a lot of readers out - some free, some premium, some freemium, some open source. I used to use Feedreader as its easy to setup, but more importantly the basic service is free and given the chance I'll choose to pay $0 every time.

But we need a reader that can be customized to filter the feeds we've got coming in, and to that end free readers don’t cut it.

In the interests of customization and keeping costs low, Feedbin and Feedly are the best on the market at $5 and $6 per month respectively.

Take your time to check out the features of both at their websites. As Feedly has three pricing tiers and Feedbin has one simple standard, cheaper price we’ll be concentrating on the latter. Of course the choice is yours as they are pretty similar function wise.

A quick crash course in Feedbin

When playing with a new tool or toy, I tend to leapfrog the quick start guides and jump straight in. From experience that usually doesn't work to my benefit. And probably won't for yours either. Feedbin's got our back with their short help summaries on site. Pay particular attention to 'Feed Management', 'Search' and 'Using Feedbin' sections.

When you're done with that its time to get those feeds up and running as detailed below.

Setting up Feedbin

  1. Sign up at Feedbin.com and follow the instructions to activate the account (you get 14 days free at sign up, no credit card required).
  2. Add either the feeds, sources, and URLs you've saved in the Feed Table or the appropriate XML from the Lead Feeds section to Feedbin.