Every freelancer knows the pain of having to add new details across multiple docs when taking on each new client. Its a time suck that's neither creative nor enjoyable, but it is important to get right.

Thankfully this can be solved by using Notion's Synced Blocks feature, which lets you embed content (such your business details as well as the clients) in numerous docs and pages instantly.

Essentially you can update and edit content anywhere you've pasted a Synced Block - like invoices, proposals and more - saving you time and the aggravation of maintaining those menial but vital admin duties.

New Client. New Content with Synced Blocks.

I've prepped Synced Blocks below that can be embedded into any docs and templates in Client Portals you generate or any documents created individually from the Templates Repository. Be aware that you must ‘Unsync’ any of block examples by clicking its handle (to the left of the block) or in the block menu or the examples or it will affect other areas where the content is synced.

Sync Block Instructions

In the blocks add details about a project and client by changing the color coded info as detailed below:

In the Branding Content synced block you can add images such as your logo or your clients as well as banking details in Payment synced block etc.

Once you added details, hover over the top right of the sync block, click ‘Copy and sync’ and paste the block into any pages or documents you want.

To see where a given Synced block is active, hover over the top right of any block template and click ‘Editing In’.