Fuelance is effective for delivering leads direct to you. Finding projects, however, is not the same as landing them. You’ve got to pitch for them.

Most freelance leads aren't even lukewarm

You'll almost certainly have never dealt with any of the prospects, or people running the businesses you'll be pitching.

The fact that prospects are posting on job boards, social networks, hiring platforms, and other sites may give the impression that the leads are, at least, a little warm. Sorry to break this to you but they aren’t even lukewarm. They’re cold and should be approached that way.

What goes into Effective Outreach?

You'll be approaching prospects via email or the messaging system of where the leads are sourced. The following framework templates, tips, and resources will assist you in crafting effective outreach.

Cold Outreach Structure


Subject Lines

Cold Email Templates

Follow Ups

Be under no illusions. Cold outreach is one of the hardest things to do - and unfortunately when you’re a freelancer no one is going to do it for you. But when used correctly, the resources above can deliver results that get your email opened.